We need doing sports to stay fit stay cool

Date: 2018-09-02  Author: Administrator  Browse: 2818

Wake up at early morning, its 5 am. Iam thinking the first thing to do is running along the river.

Near my house there is a park long with Oujiang river. It was build at year 2005, when i was a little high school girl, the first time visit this park is with my father. The memory is very clear that how i think at that moment, even though 13 years passed.

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At that time there are just few people make body exercise. When i can see now its the like running,  dancing, taiji become part of regular behavior of our life, cannot live without.  Nowadays , our people have very strong awareness of healthy life . without the healthy and strong body we can do nothing.

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In the park there are several area for outdoor fitness equipment.  Thanks for our government to build the park fitness center, create the place of national fitness. and thanks for playground manufacturer produce the products which we can get benefit of healthy life.

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But what a pity, while comes to our children, i have not find any playground at this park. I am hoping more and more amusement center, park playground equipment can open to public. Our school, our park, our community need more play area. Kids need play, the world need play.

Title: We need doing sports to stay fit stay cool
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