Have you thought of these innovative designs for outdoor play spaces that appeal to children?

Date: 2021-10-21  Author: Administrator  Browse: 1152

The innovative design of children's play space should be safe, fun to play, and also incorporate the concept of fun and education.

Play facilities need to be attractive and go to suit children of every age and different levels of activity. 

In addition, these facilities also need to take into account children's overall developmental skills, 

including social communication skills and respect for the environment, among others.


Below, we will see what are the design points of outdoor play space.


Design points-site

In the design of play space, the first factor to consider is the structure of the site. 

Children are much more interested in irregular shapes than regular shapes; 

so we can make full use of natural irregular shapes to arouse children's interest with half the effort.

For example, children like imaginative adventure activities, such as getting lost and finding their way; 

rolling down a slope; playing hide-and-seek among undulating hills or mountains, etc.


Design Elements - Grass and Trees

The design element of grass and trees plays a pivotal role in the design of outdoor play spaces, whether in terms of environment, aesthetics or simply providing fun.

Plants improve air quality, are a powerful umbrella for rain and sunlight, are dense enough to block the wind and reduce noise, 

and are also a natural habitat for birds and other small animals.


Design points-getting close to the sand

Children love to play with sand and mud at any time and any place. They can dig, build, sculpt, fill and empty, or mix them with water to play.



Design Essentials - Intimacy with Water

The different feelings of dry and wet, the objects sinking and floating on the water surface, and the change of water temperature are enough to arouse children's great interest.

Although water is rarely utilized in play spaces, it may be a good idea to introduce water through artificial methods when weather and resources allow


Design points - Rest area

A space, no matter how small, if a child can sit quietly, relax or gather strength, this is an essential area in the play area.

In larger play spaces, partition design rest area is a good idea. A rest area may simply consist of a row of benches or other places where you can sit out of the wind and rain.



Design Essentials - Complex Play Facilities

There is a trend in today's play space design: combining traditional single-function facilities with more complex, modular facilities.

To suit the different needs of children, a good play facility should be designed to be easily adjustable. 

And composite facilities should be as different as possible in terms of difficulty.


Design points - cognition through shapes

Imagination itself is the most important and effective play facilities for children, unclear abstract things, such as a pile of rocks or piles of sand, 

the appeal of children far more than those specific special things.



Design points - cognition through perception

Children can actively participate in and influence auditory, visual, tactile and olfactory phenomena, and at the same time, 

they can understand how their own actions cause respective reactions and whether they can understand these reactions.


Design Essentials - Sound Experience

Children are enthusiastic about making sounds by tapping or rubbing objects. How natural it is to make sounds, 

a breeze blowing, the grass and leaves of trees will make sounds.

These are enough to make children happy, and children especially like facilities that enable interactive experiments, 

which not only have an entertainment function for children, but also have an instructive meaning.



Design points-observation experience

Just like auditory games, we can also design facilities with visual images, for example, magnifying glasses, reflectors, prisms, kaleidoscopes, 

overlapping pieces or colored transparent pieces.


Design Essentials - Touch and Texture Experience

Laying materials that focus on texture changes can encourage children to explore, to compare soft and hard materials, dense and smooth, dry and wet, smooth and rough.



Design Essentials - Olfactory Experience

We usually view smell differently from other senses. Planting fragrant grasses and trees on both sides of the pathway in the play area, 

this kind of smell and space design can prevent children from getting lost.


In short, good design should be based on the idea that every child is different and therefore their needs are diverse, and that all children should be given equal opportunities to play.

In order to achieve this daily standard, we should design spaces where children can communicate and learn together, and encourage them to bravely explore and discover the mysteries of the world



Title: Have you thought of these innovative designs for outdoor play spaces that appeal to children?
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