The history of Public playground safety voluntary standards and CPSC handbook. CPSC ( consumer product safety commission)

Date: 2018-07-06  Author: Administrator  Browse: 3523

The history of Public playground safety voluntary standards and CPSC handbook.

CPSC ( consumer product safety commission)

1981  First CPSC handbook for public playground safety was published 

1991   ASTM F1292 was published , its about the standards specification of surface systems under and around playground equipments.

1993  ASTM F1487 was published, the first version of standard consumer safety performance for playground equipment in public use.

1997  Updating of ASTM F1487 ( staff review of ASTM F1487, playground safety meeting held on October 1996, public received by the request of CPSC staff)

2005  first safety play version of playground equipments intended for children from 6months to 23months, was published

2008  The significant revisions of ASTM playground standard

F 1487 Standard consumer safety performance                specification  for playground equipment for public use.

F2373 Standard consumer safety performance specification for pubic use play equipments for children 6months to 23 months

 F1292 Standard specification for impact attenuation of surface systems under and around playground equipments

F2075 Standard specification for engineered wood fiber for use as playground safety surface.

F2223  Standard specification for for ASTM standards on playground surfacing

F2479 Standard guide fir specification, purchase, installation and maintenance of playground surfacing

F1951  Standard guide for accessibility of playground surface systems

F1816  Standard safety specification for children upper outerwear

F2049  Standard guide for fences/barriers outdoor play area

F1148  Standard consumer safety performance specification for home use playground equipments

F1918  Standard safety performance specification for soft contained play equipments

Example pictures from safety handbook of  public playground equipment 

free standing on straight slide .jpgentrapment hazard.jpg

Title: The history of Public playground safety voluntary standards and CPSC handbook. CPSC ( consumer product safety commission)
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